Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chaos reigns......

Yesterday was most definitely the most frustrating day so far in the short but exciting life of As we speak our wonderful website has been down for about 12 hours and the only reason I am on here writing this blog is because I can not get on to the site to do anything more productive or continue with the humongous work load that caused me to set my alarm and crawl wearily from my pit at 4am yesterday morning.

Confusion and chaos leaps mercilessly from my outbox and the number of possible reasons has now hit at least treble figures. Me; a mere layman caught up in this day of terror and angst is beginning to think that maybe in an effort to be multi-cultural and all kind of cosmopolitan I might have just gone one country too far in my almost Barack style efforts to break down barriers, feed the third world and Skype the complete universe down to the size of Slough.

Content is king so they say in the publishing world but it has to be said that communications are almost nearly as regal when it comes to developing a website of this magnitude. There is something to be said for strolling round London’s WC2 and being able to sit on people and refusing to get off until they promise to deal with your problem. No time difference, no language barrier and even a crayfish and rocket sandwich en route.

I will give you my insight into the possible problems and hopefully some of you will see where I (and particularly our team) are coming from and maybe just why today was so chaotic. Karen and I are from London and live in France, the fella I am working with on the business lives in LA and is from Holland. Our server is in Paris but we deal with London because our French is so bad. I have great technician from New Zealand who also lives in France. Our wonderful support system is run by a guy just up the US coast (4000 miles away!) called James who manages three developers called Niraj, Viresh and Shahid who hunker down in various corners of the Indian subcontinent and who all probably speak different dialects of Gujarati. Usually we all get on as famously as a class full of school kids in a Peckham Primary but today was just not a great day at the curry house and chaos kicked in like closing time on New Years Eve in Newcastle.

Time difference, language barriers and generally different understandings of the word urgency have certainly not helped our cause but before we start going all 'local,' remember that at FR2DAY we love a challenge and our whole business ethos is 110% maverick and about breaking down barriers so we intend to continue in our search of the ultimate Peruvian print provider and a couple of Malawi marketing men to add to our already winning team of names to rival any premiership football side.

Tomorrow is another day. Niraj has promised to cheer me up by posting his recent Indian Holi Festival photos up on Picasa - he also said he reckons he might get the site back up if we are lucky! Shahid says it shahid be working too and as for Viresh he has promised to keep his fingers crossed and see how it goes!

That's the beauty of this business - You just can’t get that sort of culture in Slough!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Live at last

Well here we are, with a taster page finally live on the web and it feels good. So much has happened in the past few weeks so this is an 'in a nutshell' job. Some fab keen people have come on board, including the former director of photography for Vogue and Conde Nast Traveller, one of Britain's top facialists, who showed me how to massage away the wrinkles (my fingers have never been so fit) and a couple more writers and seeing the magazine live, even if it is in a 'come back soon when we have some features to read' kind of way, is a fantastic feeling. It's made all the more special by the fact that everyone who has seen it, be they contributors, friends, acquaintances, former colleagues or family, has said how brilliant it looks. Potential advertisers are already chomping at the bit to promote themselves and it's fair to say the bar is set high, all we have to do is keep it there and that is the next challenge.

I got lost in the Esterel mountains on a 27 k training run last weekend ...the short version is the four other much faster runners went one way and I (armed with an iPod touch, but no phone, water or chocolate) went the other, and as I was trying not to panic about being eaten alive by mountain goats in some godforsaken gulley, all I could think was 'Damn (or similar), after all this hard work, I'm not even going to make my own launch party.' After an hour of panicked navigation in the fog, I found them and all was well but Wayne says the fact that my first thought was of missing our party rather than my husband and children in my hour of need speaks volumes.

This week is a frantic subbing/planning/laying out marathon and by next week, we will have some great features, restaurant reviews and showbiz gossip ready for consumption.

Until then amigos.....